Seems as if technology giants Google, Yahoo and Bing are making a new trend of changing their logos and user interface. Though Google is the one to make most of the changes in some or the other way in all of its products. But Yahoo and Bing have made significant changes. Lets take a look at them one by one.


The original logo of Google was designed by Ruth Kedar. It is based on Catull typeface. The last time Google changed its logo was in the year 2010. The old logo looked something like this.

It was 3 dimensional. But the new logo is 2 dimensional and is somewhat flattened. If you carefully observe Google has also introduced some minor changes in the colour shades in its new logo and they have also removed the shadows. It was released on 19th September 2013. The new Google logo looks like this.

Now lets talk about the new Google UI (User Interface) that is rolling in each and every Google product.
Earlier Google homepage had a black navigation bar at the top which had different options like Images, News, Maps, Books, YouTube, More. But now Google has integrated everything into a single card, which I call it as card UI. This card has different options like Gmail, Drive, YouTube, Play, News. Actually there are two different views regarding this UI update, some people didn't liked this UI but the other people like me are the die hard fan of this new interface. That is why I thought of writing a full post on this!

I think gradually Google will redesign everything to Card UI. Let me explain you what is a Card UI.
This new trend of cards actually started with Google Now and now it is used in every other Google product like Maps, Analytics, Google + . It has a typeface of roboto fonts and everything is integrated beautifully into a single card. The card is somewhat light grey in colour and the fonts are dark grey in color (If you want hexadecimal color code, then its #d2d2d2)


Since, Bing belongs to Microsoft and we all know that Microsoft has Metro UI in all its products. The new Bing logo was introduced with a new metro UI touch so that it matches with the company's branding. The company also changed the colour from blue to somewhat in between Orange and Yellow.


Yahoo! had the same old logo since 1995, thats about 18 years. They unveiled their new logo in 2013. One of the Yahoo officials says "We hadn’t updated our logo in 18 years.  Our brand, as represented by the logo, has been valued at as much as ~$10 billion dollars.  So, while it was time for a change, it’s not something we could do lightly." The figure below explains how the new Yahoo logo was designed, it looks simple but in reality there is too much science and mathematics involved in the logos of big giants like Apple, Google and even Facebook.

Its worth knowing how this awesome logo was designed. If you want to know more about Yahoo's new logo you can visit this link.


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