Yogi Software is a mumbai based startup co-founded by Nilesh Bhosale, Amar Daxini and Virender Nagi lately in 2012. These friends were together since their graduation days. Initially they started working with different startups, and after facing many ups and downs they came up together and  formed up their own service based Company namely Yogi Software. We have Nilesh Bhosale here to interact about their startup Yogi Software.
Whenever you get any idea validate and analyse it first, this is known as value analysis. Do your market analyses properly, and effectively and also have a go to market strategy.Never built a product first until and unless you have a Client for the same.Design of a proper revenue model is the vital most things says  Nilesh Bhosale, co-founder of Yogi Softwares.
How Yogi Software was founded?
After completing my post-graduation I started working with a Software Company and parallely with different initiatives which were well funded but they didn’t worked due to various reasons, one of them was  lack of mentorship. Similar thing also happened with Amar and Virendra. At that time we consulted our few friends who were working for different startups, after discussing with them we got to know they also faced similar problems. After facing lots of ups and downs and doing lots of mistake and learning from them we came under one roof and decided to start a service based company and also helped the aspiring entrepreneurs.

You run a service based startup, but you also aim to help aspiring entrepreneurs with their startups, so how are you going to achieve that?
We have a large networking that works in all sorts of domains and gives valuable feedbacks, which helps us to implement the concept called “Startup Accelerator in India”. This concept is successfully executed in various countries across the globe and has helped aspiring entrepreneur in a great way. We are not the first one to introduce this concept in the country; it is been already been executed, but there are very few startup accelerators in the country. So by implementing this concept we are going to provide help to the upcoming Entrepreneur.

What all services have you delivered to your Clients?
At Yogi Software we serve to our Clients and Entrepreneurs by helping them develop, built and support their business. We design and craft functional and highly scalable web applications. We also work with our Clients to understand their business and turn their ideas into usable softwares.We have delivered products like Golfhero, Fleetnext and we got a big breakthrough by giving technical partnership with gullakmaster.com (asms based deal site) which currently serves Mumbai city only.

In this race where startups come with different innovative products, are you planning to develop any of your own products?
We are always fascinated by education domain. We feel that there is a great potential in education sector and is not explored to its fullest as they are facing many problem which can be coped up through technology only. We have two products which are related to education domain quizstack and rails mentoring and they are at beta stage.

Any tips to our readers?
We have come a long way after many hurdles in our journey, which have certainly bought the best out of us. We have committed a lot of mistakes, which have thought many things, as it is rightly said “You learn from your mistakes”. We would just like to suggest the youth and future entrepreneur that whenever you got any idea validate and analyse it first, this is known as value analysis. Do your market analyses properly, and effectively and also have a go to market strategy.
Never built a product first until and unless you have a Client for the same.Design of a proper revenue model is the vital most things.

Interviewed by Krunal Ahir


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